News & Notices

2022 Centre County West Nile Virus Surveillance and Control season

The 2022 Centre County West Nile Virus Surveillance and Control season has begun. The Surveillance and Control Program is managed by the County Planning & Community Development Office and is funded by a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Due to the recent discovery of highly pathogenic avian influenza in PA and its potentially devastating effect on wild and domestic birds, the Centre County Surveillance and Control Program will not be accepting dead birds for testing. Dead bird reports can be forwarded to the Pennsylvania Game Commission at 610-926-3136 or to [email protected]

Residents are urged to eliminate sources of standing water such as unused swimming pools, stagnant ornamental ponds, poorly functioning roof gutters and especially used tires. Between May and the end of September, adult mosquito trapping will be periodically conducted within our municipality. Questions or concerns, please contact the County at 814-355-6791 and for more information​ see the PA Dept. of Health website at