
* Please note the following are only brief summaries of adopted resolutions. For a complete copy of any listed resolution please contact the Open Records Officer for details. (814) 349-8193


#01-2025, 01/06/2025
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania establishing the depositories of choice (FNB & MBTC) for all Township funds.

#02-2025, 01/06/2025
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing the Sewage Enforcement Officer (Laron Horner) and adopting his 2025 fee schedule.

#03-2025, 01/06/2025
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing the Zoning Officer (Chris Dobson) and adopting his 2025 fee schedule.

#04-2025, 01/06/2025
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing Robert Brennan to another three-year term to the Zoning Hearing Board.

           #05-2025, 02/13/2025                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing the Alternate Sewage Enforcement Office (Charles F. Herr, Jr.) and adopting the 2025 fee             schedule set by Sewage Enforcement Officer, Laron Horner.

#06-2025, 03/27/2025                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A resolution of the Haines Township Board of Supervisors Authorizing the transfer of Fire Tax Funds to its General Fund to reimburse Millheim Fire Company No. 1                       in the amount of $29,693.67 for the Township’s share of the current equipment loan payoff.


#01-2024, 01/02/2024
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania establishing the depositories of choice (FNB & MBTC) for all Township funds.

#02-2024, 01/02/2024
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing the Sewage Enforcement Officer (Laron Horner) and the Alternate SEO (Justin Dashem) and adopting their 2024 fee schedule.

#03-2024, 01/02/2024
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing the Zoning Officer (Chris Dobson) and adopting his 2024 fee schedule.

           #04-2024, 02/15/2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A Disposition Resolution For Specific Non-Permanent Records Of Haines Township.

#05-2024. 07/16/2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania adopting the Penns Valley Regional Comprehensive Plan Update 2024, which is comprised of the                 maps, charts, text, data and all other material constituting a part thereof, as a guiding document for the next decade.

#06-2024, 09/19/2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    A resolution of the The Haines Township Board of Supervisors Authorizing the transfer of Fire Tax Funds to its General Fund to reimburse Millheim Fire Company No. 1                in the amount of $6,342.06 for the Township’s share of fourteen monthly equipment loan payments from JULY 2023 through AUGUST 2024 the total payment authorized            under this Resolution equals: $6,342.06.

#07-2024, 11/19/2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A Resolution of the Township of Haines, County of Centre, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, fixing the real estate tax rate for the year 2025.

#08-2024, 1119/2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    A resolution of the Haines Township Board of Supervisors appointing a certified public accounting firm to make an examination of all Townsip accounts for the fiscal year            2024. (Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP)


#01-2023, 01/03/2023
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania establishing the depositories of choice (FNB & MBTC) for all Township funds.

#02-2023, 01/03/2023
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing the Sewage Enforcement Officer (Laron Horner) and the Alternate SEO (Justin Dashem) and adopting their 2023 fee schedule.

#03-2023, 01/03/2023
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing the Zoning Officer (Chris Dobson) and adopting his 2023 fee schedule.

#04-2023, 01/03/2023
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing Karen Fultz to another three-year term to the Zoning Hearing Board.

#05-2023, 02/16/2023
A disposition resolution for specific non-permanent records of Haines Township.

#06-2023, 04/20/2023
A resolution for plan revision for new land development.

#07-2023, 09/21/2023
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing Mary F. Conklin to a three-year term to the Zoning Hearing Board.

#08-2023, 09/21/2023
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing Derek Hart to a three-year term to the Zoning Hearing Board – Alternate.

#09-202, 11/14/2023
A Resolution of the Township of Haines, County of Centre, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, fixing the real estate tax rate for the year 2024. (Total 4.5 mills, includes new .5 EMS Tax)

#10-2023, 11/14/2023
A resolution of the The Haines Township Board of Supervisors Authorizing the transfer of Fire Tax Funds to its General Fund to reimburse Millheim Fire Company No. 1 in the amount of $5,430.57 for the Township’s share of twelve monthly equipment loan payments from JULY 2022 through JUNE 2023 the total payment authorized under this Resolution equals: $5,430.57.

#11-2023, 11/14/2023
A resolution of the Haines Township Board of Supervisors appointing a certified public accounting firm to make an examination of all Townsip accounts for the fiscal year 2023. (Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP)

#12-2023, 11/14/2023
A resolution of the Township of Haines, County of Centre, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, accepting the dedication of the Bartges Road Cul-de-Sac property.


#01-2022, 01/03/2022
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania establishing the depositories of choice (JSSB & MBTC) for all Township funds.

#02-2022, 01/03/2022
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing the Sewage Enforcement Officer (Laron Horner) and the Alternate SEO (Pamela Winter) and adopting their 2022 fee schedule.

#03-2022, 01/03/2022
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing the Zoning Officer (Pamela Winter) and adopting her 2022 fee schedule.

#04-2022, 01/03/2022
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing Robert Brennan to another three-year term to the Zoning Hearing Board.

#05-2022, 01/03/2022
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing Charles Valentine to a two-year term on the Zoning Hearing Board.

#6-2022, 02/17/2022
A disposition resolution for specific non-permanent records of Haines Township.

#07-2022, 04/21/2022
(America250PA), a resolution encouraging Pennsylvanians to commemorate the 250th birthday of the United States and celebrate Pennsylvanians contributions to the story of our nation.

#8-2022, 05/19/2022
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania to appoint Laron Horner as Zoning Officer, effective 07/01/2022.

#09-2022, 05/19/2022
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania to appoint Kimberly A. Claar as CAO for Municipal Pension Administration.

#10-2022, 05/19/2022
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania to appoint Kimberly A. Claar as 911 Addressing Enforcement Officer.

#11-2022, 06/14/2022
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania to adopt the restated FT Employee pension plan and execute the adoption agreement.

#12-2022, 06/14/2022
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania to adopt the restated PT Employee pension plan and execute the adoption agreement.

#13-2022, 06/14/2022
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania to appoint Pamela Winter as Alternate Zoning Officer, effective 07/01/2022.

#14-2022, 08/18/2022
A Resolution of The Haines Township Board of Supervisors Authorizing the transfer of Fire Tax Funds to its General Fund to reimburse Millheim Fire Company No. 1 in the amount of $5,319.84 for the Township’s share of twelve monthly equipment loan payments from JULY 2021 through JUNE 2022 the total payment authorized under this Resolution equals: $5,319.84.

# 15-2022, 10/20/2022
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Declaring Property Tax Penalty Waiver Provisions by Implementation of Act 57 of 2022.

#16-2022, 11/15/2022
A resolution of the Township of Haines, County of Centre, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, fixing the real estate tax rate for the year 2023. (Total 4 mills, same as 2022.)

#17-2022, 11/15/2022
A resolution of the Haines Township Board of Supervisors appointing a certified public accounting firm to make an examination of all Townsip accounts for the fiscal year 2022. (Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP)

#18-2022, 1/22/2022
A resolution of the Township of Haines, County of Centre, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, accepting the dedication of Broad Road.


#1-2021, 01/04/2021
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania establishing the
depositories of choice for ALL Township Funds
for the year 2021. (JSSB, MBTC)

#2-2021, 01/04/2021
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing Pamela Winter
as Sewage Enforcement Officer, appointing
Laron Horner as the alternate Sewage Enforcement Officer and adopting the rate
schedule for said officials.

#3-2021, 01/04/2021
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre
County, Pennsylvania appointing Pamela Winter
as Zoning Officer, appointing Laron Horner as alternate Zoning Officer and adopting the rate schedule for said officials.

#04-2021, 02/18/2021
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania, appointing a Code Enforcment Officer to enforce Twp. Code Chapter 83 and Chapter 67 and any other as set forth at any time in the future. Code Enforcement Officer – Gilbert Stull.


#1-2020, 01/06/2020
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania
establishing the depositories of choice for ALL Township funds for the year 2020. (JSSB,MBTC)

#2-2020, 01/06/2020
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing Pamela R. Winter as Sewage
Enforcement Officer, appointing Laron E. Horner as the Alternate Sewage Enforcement Officer and adopting the rate schedule of said SEO as the schedule of fess to be paid by applicants for sewage permits as required by Haines Township.

#03-2020, 01/06/2020
A resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing a Zoning
Hearing Board Member. (Karen Fultz, Three-Year Term)

#04-2020, 01/06/2020
A disposition resolution for specific non-permanent records of Haines Township in accordance with the schedules and
procedures set forth in the Municipal Records Manual (Municipal Records Act of 1968) and in accordance with Haines Township Resolution #03-2009.

#05-2020, 01/06/2020
A resolution of plan revision for new land development by Powdr-Woodward PA, LLC for Preliminary/Final Land Development, Phase VIII, contingent upon a review of the component 2 planning module by the Township’s SEO to determine completeness of the module and to make sure there has been no change to the scope of work. After the SEO’s review is completed and no issues are found, the resolution, transmittal letter, completeness checklist and Section Q of the module entitled “Municipal Actions” will be executed by the appropriate Township officials.

#06-2020, 03/19/20
A resolution of Haines Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania in support of the 2020 Census. It is important that all Township residents respond to the census materials they receive. The Board of Supervisors hereby encourages residents to participate in an accurate count. The number of people who participate in the Census determines the number of seats Pennsylvania gets in the U.S. Congress. The count also affects the amount of federal funding that is made available to the State.

#07-2020, 04/16/2020
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Commonwealth o f Pennsylvania, amending and supplementing the Haines Township Tax Collection Policy for Real Estate Taxes for the year 2020.

#08-2020, 08/20/2020
A resolution of the Haines Township Board of Supervisors authorizing the transfer of Fire Tax Funds to its General Fund to reimburse the Millheim Fire Company in the amount of $5,203.68 for the Township’s share of twelve monthly equipment loan payments from July 2019 through June 2020.

#09-2020, 10/15/20
A resolution appointing a certified public accounting firm to make an examination of all Townsip accounts for the fiscal year ending 12/31/20. (Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP)

#10-2020, 11/12/2020
A resolution of the Township of Haines, County of Centre, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, fixing the real estate tax rate for the year 2021. (Total 4 mills, same as 2020.)


#01-2019, 01/07/19
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania
establishing the depositories of choice for ALL Township funds for the year 2019. (JSSB & MBTC)

#02-2019, 01/07/19
A resolution of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania, appointing Pamela R. Winter as Sewage Enforcement Officer for the Township of Haines and Charles F. Herr, Jr. as Alternate Sewage Enforcement Officer and adopting the rate schedule of said Sewage Enforcement Officer as the schedule of fees to be paid by applicants for sewage permits as required by Haines Township Code.

#03-2019, 01/07/19
A resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania appointing a Zoning Hearing Board Member. (Robert Brennan, Three-Year Term)

#04-2019, 01/30/19
A resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Haines, Centre County, Pennsylvania adopting written procedures for how professional services are chosen for its pension plans in order to comply with Act 44 of 2009 and the Auditor General’s recommendation.

#05-2019, 02/21/19
A disposition resolution for specific non-permanent records of Haines Township in accordance with the schedules and procedures set forth in the Municipal Records Manual and in accordance with Haines Township Resolution #03-2009 and the Municipal Records Act of 1968.

#06-2019, 04/18/19
A resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Haines providing for a signature block for Zoning approval on future plans. (Supersedes Resolution No. 09-2018 of 06/21/18)

#07-2019, 10/17/19
A resolution of the Haines Township Board of Supervisors approving a Component 2 Sewage Facilities Planning Module for Powdr-Woodward PA LLC. (Preliminary Land Development Plan, Phase VIII)

#08-2019, 10/17/19
A resolution of the Haines Township Board of Supervisors approving the Component 2 Sewage Facilities Planning Module for Michael Bzdil. (Lot Addition & Replot)

#09-2019, 10/17/19
A resolution of the Haines Township Board of Supervisors authorizing the transfer of Fire Tax Funds to its General Fund to reimburse Millheim Fire Company No. 1 in the amount of $5203.68 for the Township’s share of twelve monthly equipment loan payments from July 2018 through June 2019.

#10-2019, 10/17/19
A resolution of the Haines Township Board of Supervisors, appointing a certified public accountant firm to make an examination of all the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2019.
(Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP)

#11-2019, 11/14/19
A resolution fixing the real estate tax rate for the year 2020. (Total of 4 mills, no increase.)

#12-2019, 11/14/19
A resolution approving a non-exclusive cable franchise agreement with Atlantic Broadband (Penn), LLC